What is compound interest in 2024? Formula and Example


The interest charged on a loan or deposit amount is known as compound interest. The principal and interest accrued over time determine the compound interest for a given amount. The primary distinction between simple and compound interest is this. Assuming we look at our bank statements, we typically see that our account is credited with interest each year.

compound interest

Every year, this interest changes for the same principal amount. Interest rises with each passing year. Thus, it is clear that the interest the bank is charging is compound interest, or CI, rather than simple interest. This article will explain compound interest, provide you with the formula, and show you how to calculate compound interest on an annual, half-yearly, quarterly, etc. basis. The examples provided here, which are based on actual uses of compound interest, also help to clarify why the return on compound interest is higher than the return on simple interest.  

Compound interest: what is it?

When interest accrues interest on its own in a savings or investment account, it’s known as compound interest. As stated differently, interest is earned on both the principal, or starting balance, and the interest that is added to the balance over time. This is not the case with simple interest, which is interest that is paid on the principal. Future interest payments are unaffected by any interest that has accrued.

Compound interest calculation:

The initial principal amount is multiplied by one, and the annual interest rate is raised to the number of compound periods minus one to calculate compound interest. The number of compounding periods has a big impact on compound interest calculations. As the number of compounding periods increases, the compound interest increases as well. Make things simple by calculating compound interest with our calculator! To determine the best course of action for you to take, make sure to speak with your financial or tax advisor. We’re here to help, as usual! For any questions, reach out to us or stop by the Central Bank in your community.

Formula for Compound Interest

Many methods exist for calculating compound interest. Gaining useful knowledge about how to accomplish your savings objectives while maintaining reasonable expectations can come from learning how to do it yourself. Every time you perform calculations, look through a few “what-if” scenarios with various amounts to see what would happen if you increased your savings or prolonged the period of interest you earned.

Take note

This calculation is made simple by using a compound interest calculator, like ours, which does the math and allows you to compare borrowing costs and investment returns quickly.

Some people would rather do their calculations so they can examine the numbers more closely. To calculate exponents, you can use a standard calculator with a key or a financial calculator with formula storage features.

The following formula can be used to determine compound interest:

A=P(1+[r / n]) ^nt

Enter the values listed below to use this calculation:

A: The total amount that you will obtain.

P: The principal, or your initial deposit.

r: the decimal representation of the annual interest rate.

n: the total number of compounding periods in a year (12 for monthly and 52 for weekly).

t: the period (measured in years) that your money grows.

Performing the Calculus

Your $1,000 yields a 5% monthly compound interest rate. In 15 years, how much will you have?

1 + [ r / n ]) ^nt = A

A = 12 * (15) ^ 1000 (1 + [.05 / 12])

A (1.00416666…) ^ (180) = 1000)

A is equal to 1000 (2.113703)

A is 2113.70.

In fifteen years, you would have about $2,114. Rounding may cause a small difference in your final figure. Your initial deposit is $1,000 of that total, and the remaining $1,114 is interest.

The 72-rule

Another method for quickly estimating compound interest is the Rule of 72. By examining the interest rate and the amount of time it will take you to earn that rate, this method can provide you with a ballpark estimate of how long it will take to double your money. Multiply the interest rate by the number of years. You have a set of circumstances that will nearly double your money if you score a 72.2.

Example 1: Your $1,000 in savings is earning a five percent annual percentage yield or 5% APY. How much time will it take for you to balance your account with $2,000? To determine the solution, work out how to get to 72. To double your money, it will take approximately 14.4 years, as 72 divided by 5 equals 14.4.

Example 2: In twenty years, you’ll need $2,000, and you currently have $1,000. At what minimum rate of pay must you earn by then to double your money? Once more, use the information at your disposal to calculate the required number of years to reach 72. 72 divided by 20 is 3.6, so to meet your goal during that time frame, you will need to earn about 3.6% APY.

What is an example of compound interest?

Credit cards are just one of many examples. Credit card users are required to pay off any outstanding interest from prior periods as well as the interest charges on the remaining balance.

Is compound interest a means to an end?

Compound interest offers a higher return on investments as they grow over time, in contrast to simple interest, which has a fixed interest rate. This is a result of the interest being added to the investment amount each period and not being fixed. When interest is consistently computed on the increased amount, the investment begins to increase in value and generate more interest income. Consequently, the investment will increase in value the longer you hold it.

What is the 72-rule?

The number of years it will take for an investment to double is determined by Rule 72. This pertains to investments that offer annual compounding, ideally with a rate ranging from 6% to 10%. In this case, you must divide the interest rate (just the number) by 72. Let’s say that an investment yielding 8% annual compound interest will double its original value in 9 years (72/8).

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