Formulas of Annuity due

Formulas of Annuity due

In this article we will learn formulas of annuity due Present value of an Annuity Due P.V = PMT [ 1 – ( 1 + i)-n/i] (1+i) Future value of an Annuity Due F.V = PMT [(1 + i )n  – 1/i] (1+i) e.g P.V. = The present value of Annuity Due. F.V = The … Read more

Financial Accounting 2024: Key Principles and Practices

Financial accounting

Financial accounting is the cornerstone of any business, providing a structured approach to tracking and reporting financial information. It plays a pivotal role in decision-making, tax compliance, and assessing a company’s financial health. In this article, we will explore the key aspects of accounting, its importance, and best practices for effective implementation. Understanding Some primary … Read more

3 Golden Rules of Accounting: Unlocking Financial Success

3 Golden Rules of Accounting

  In the world of finance and business, accounting is the bedrock upon which every decision is made. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting on your financial journey, understanding the three golden rules of accounting is crucial for sound financial management and success. Rule 1: The Golden Rule of Assets = Liabilities + Equity … Read more

Bookkeeping 2024: A Comprehensive Guide for Small Businesses

What is Bookkeeping?

Bookkeeping is the backbone of any successful business. it is the systematic process of recording, organizing, and tracking a company’s financial transactions. In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of bookkeeping, why it’s essential, and how to get started on the right foot. Understanding Bookkeeping Bookkeeping is often seen as a mundane task, … Read more

IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements

IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements

IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements prescribes the basis for the presentation of general purpose financial statements to ensure comparability with the entity’s financial statements of previous periods and other entities’ financial statements. It sets out overall requirements for the presentation of financial statements, guidelines for their structure, and minimum requirements for their content. General … Read more

Financial Statements: Users, and, Responsibility

Financial Statements

Financial statements are reports of an entity to provide its stakeholders with the necessary information for their decision-making needs. The term entity is used to describe any type of organization for which we do accounting e.g. a business, a company, a bank, a charity organization. The objective of financial reporting is to provide financial information … Read more

What is Trial Balance, its purposes, and its limitations?

what is trial balance?

A trial balance is a memorandum listing all account balances as an internal check on the mathematical accuracy of double-entry bookkeeping. It has two columns, debit and credit, and these two columns should be equal to each other indicating there is no arithmetical error. A list of balances is made from the ‘Receivables Ledger’ and … Read more

Elements of Financial Statements

Financial Statements

Financial statements are reports of an entity to provide its stakeholders with the necessary information for their decision-making needs. The term entity is used to describe any type of organization for which we do accounting e.g. a business, a company, a bank, a charity organization. Financial statements relate to a given period of time, known … Read more